NanoClear – Water Solutions


Pinwheel nanoclear (1)
NanoClear’s unique ceramic material hosts millions of capillaries ranging in size from 50-100 microns in diameter, every cubic meter of our patented ceramic material provides over 2 million meters squared of surface area, that can be used in two opposing applications:

ProBio Media:
  • • The material mimics natural surface textures, providing grip for bacteria to support accelerated colony growth. 
  • • Unique micro-topographic features that protect bacteria colonies from intense water flow.
  • • Electrostatic attraction between the capillary surface and bacteria creates adhesion.
  • • The innovative design supports aerobic and anaerobic bacteria simultaneously, enhancing microbial activity for efficient wastewater treatment.
  • • 80% porosity allows water to pass through the media easily; even during periods of extreme influxes of water flow, enabling bacteria to form thin biofilms that reduce the likelihood of pores becoming blocked and optimize treatment performance.
  • Applicable in low and high-pressure systems at varying flow rates, source water accessibility, and temperatures.
  • Interconnecting pore structure facilitates high flow rate and treatment of large volumes of water.
  • • The lightweight, stackable, and modular design conforms to any current system infrastructure.
  • Effective in neutralizing 99.99% of microorganisms commonly found in pools and spas.
  • Made of non-toxic components and is NSF50 approved. Lab tests concluded consistent 99.99% bacteria disinfection.
Our Media has 2,000 times greater surface area and produces up to 10x more bacteria in the water than other products available for biological water treatment.
  • • Increases treatment plant capacity by 30-40% by producing 10 times more bacteria in the water.
  • • This excess bacteria accommodates extreme influxes of water flow.
  • • Reduces sludge production the largest operational expense of almost any treatment plant.
  • • Large amounts of bacteria maintain water quality during times of low water temps.


Streamlining Sustainable Water Treatment:

Sustainable water quality management is vital for human health and the environment. Treatment plants require cost-effective water and wastewater solutions that make the most of their current infrastructure. The following list of challenges Water Treatment Plants face are all addressed by NanoClear solutions:

  • • Sufficient Biological Treatment
  • Reducing Sludge Production
  • • Fluctuations in Water Quality & Flow Rate
  • • Retention Time Issues
  • • Increasing Treatment Demands
  • • High Chemical and Energy Usage
  • • Compliance with Regulations
  • • Source Water Quality Variability
  • • Aging Infrastructure
CeramiChlor are porous ceramic “briquettes” that can be infused with antimicrobial nano-particles that disinfect the water passing through the ceramic media.
  • • Safe and reliable solution for bacteria control without any hazardous disinfection byproducts (DBPs)
  • • Interconnecting pore structure facilitates high flow rate and treatment of large volumes of water
  • • No energy or chemical dosing required
  • • Low to no maintenance required.
  • • No moving parts

CeramiChlor is used in conjunction with other products to maintain water quality and clarity such as liquid clarifiers to remove particulates, Enzyme clarifiers to break down organic matter (suntan lotion, body oils, etc.) and Algae control treatments e.g. phosphate removers, algaecides, low levels of chlorine, etc.

Our traditional pool installation uses a pre-loaded containment unit installed anywhere on the water return pipe after the sand or paper filter. Our experience has shown that post-filtration installation of the product eliminates particulates >24 microns allowing only smaller particles to easily pass through CeramiChlor’s capillaries.

Once installed, we recommend that water circulate through the pump and filter 3 times within 24 hours. The “runtime” of the circulating pump is dependent on its flow rate, the size of the body of water, swimmer load, and proper maintenance of the sand/paper filter. When properly installed, the paper or sand filter captures nearly all particulates before they come in contact with the product so very low, if any, maintenance is required.

Algae blooms form in bodies of water due to excess nutrients. Reducing organics and nitrogen in bodies of water can rebalance the ecosystem and reduce the amount of overgrown algae. Our ceramic media supports the growth of aerobic and anaerobic beneficial bacteria; super-boosting ecosystems to effectively manage and prevent high nutrient inputs.

Our Media offers solutions to the following problems:
  • Algae blooms due to excess nutrient loading
  • Cyanobacteria growth and treatment-resistant algae
  • Hydrogen Sulfide buildup at the bottom of the reservoir
  • Fish kills and loss of other aquatic life
  • Clogging of pumping, filtering, and metering equipment due to algae
  • Degradation of physical water quality parameters, i.e. color and smell
  • Cost of remediation, chemical, and non-chemical treatments
Empowering Nature to Keep its Balance.

BioClear operates exclusively in the aquaculture industry. The company has applications for multiple species and is scalable to any location worldwide or any sized pond/tank. You can create healthier and more productive environments for raising aquatic species by using designer bacteria blends. This method using our media consistently lowers ammonia levels, dramatically increases the number of beneficial bacteria, and significantly increases bottom-line profits without additional energy demand, chemicals, or antibiotics.

  • • Lower mortality – survivability rates exceeding 90%
  • • Healthier and more attractive produce for premium pricing
  • • Increases in both size and weight by as much as 12%
  • • Lowering FCR by as much as 6.5%
  • • Reducing operating costs through less bio-product dosing and lower amounts of water used during exchanges.

Learn more about BioClear’s Aquaculture applications.

Nha Trang Grow-Out:

A head-to-head trial to test the results of Vannamei – White Leg Shrimp grow-out culture using a BioFloc method versus ProBio Media was conducted in both tanks and ponds. Water quality in the tanks and ponds using PBM was consistently better than the BioFloc or control group. PBM controlled ammonia to under 1 ppm while the other groups spiked to 5 ppm causing significant stress to shrimp. Shrimp harvested at the end of the experiment in the pond using ProBio Media were larger (26 shrimp/kg) compared to the size of shrimp in the pond using Bio-Floc (30 shrimp/kg). Additionally, the color of the shrimp after cooking in the PBM pond met higher standards compared to the shrimp in the Bio-Floc pond.

Minh Phu Hatchery:

A comparative trial was performed to demonstrate the impact of PBM on the already highly efficient Minh Phu Hatchery culture. Ten tanks were stocked will nauplii for a culture period of 21 days. Five tanks used PBM and five tanks used the Minh Phu Best Practice culture method. Water exchange and all environmental conditions were the same between the two groups. The harvested yield from the tanks using PBM was 12% higher than the control group resulting in a 92% survival rate.

Country Club Irrigation Pond:

This application is a one-acre pond used for lawn irrigation. Algae, muck, and aesthetic concerns existed. A deep muck had formed, lowering the pond volume. Chemical treatments were ineffective between seasons.


For this pond, they used two (2) aerator units located near each end of the pond. Each aerator unit contained a bioreactor in the system with 6 kg of ProBio Media above the aerator where bubbles pushed water up through the bioreactor and out into the surrounding water in all directions. New water was pulled in through openings near the bottom. The pictures show the improvement in under less than a month’s time:

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